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If you have any queries, please check out our frequently asked questions below before getting in touch. Your question may have already been answered. If you still can't find what you're looking for, contact us right away.

Some of us at Origins Untold are Folkestone born and bred, some originated from other areas of Kent, whilst others have come from afar. No matter where we originally came from, we've all been drawn to Folkestone's diverse creative vibe. And who can argue with fresh sea air and breathtaking beachfront?

We stand for equality and social justice whilst celebrating the presence of African and Caribbean-heritage people in the South East of England. By hosting cultural, creative and social events, including workshops, exhibitions, discussion groups and performances, we believe that we can learn and grow together as a local community.

If money was no object, we would quit our day jobs and work within this organisation full-time. That's how committed we are to improving and engaging with our local community!

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